Thursday, October 8, 2009

Nouvelle génération, mais pas de personalité... triste génération!

Pour dire vrai, j'en ai assez de la France! Assez des français, assez de cette mentalité...

Vous pouvez aller dans n'importe quelle ville (Paris, Lyon...), vous verrez toujours la même chose.
Ces jeunes qu'on appel "la nouvelle génération", ces jeunes qui s'habillent tous pareil, ces jeunes qui parlent tous pareil, ces jeunes qui se coiffent tous pareil... C'est comme si ils se clonait entre eux...

Les gars mettent des slims, les filles s'habillent comme des gars... Ils commencent a fumer et boire de plus en plus jeune, ils écoutent tous la même musique, ils font tous les mêmes choses. Une chose qui est bien, c'est qu'on est débarasser de la génération "tecktonik" et de la génération "tokyo hotel", mais débarasser... pas tout à fait, puisque c'était pour faire place à une autre..

Mais, peu importe de quelle génération il s'agit, on est en 2009 (bientôt 2010...) et maintenant, si tu te promènes dans la rue, et que tu n'est pas comme tout ces clones, tu te fait insulter. C'est dingue d'en arriver là mais pourtant c'est la réalité. Tu n'est pas comme eux, c'est comme si tu est un extra-terrestre.

J'en viens à être allergique à la France, pourtant c'est mon pays, c'est là que je suis née et que j'ai toujours vécu, mais cette fois c'est trop. Voir comme tout change si vite, comme les mentalité on changer et pas dans le bon sens... Je le répète, on est en 2009!!! On devrait pouvoir faire ce qu'on veut, s'habiller ou se coiffer comme on le souhaite! Alors pourquoi?? Pourquoi on est critiqué, insulté, dès que l'on ne fait pas "comme tout le monde" ??

Monday, August 24, 2009

Maybe it's time for a big change in my life...

One day, i've heard something... God chooses a destiny for each of us. But, if you could change your destiny, what would you change?
Someone would like to change his style, for another, it's color of hair...
I have better projects for my life.
I'm young, it's a chance and moment for make changes. My biggest project is to leave France, go to the USA for going to school and learn english and have a job in the same time. I know that it's rather ambitious. Especially when you don't have any idea of how things happens in another country than yours.
Why do I want to learn english and become bilingual? Because I would like to be a translator. Translate books from french to english or from english to french, etc... I think it's a nice job, hard, but beautiful. Before, when one asked me which job I wanted to do, I didn't know what answer. But now I KNOW! And this is why I really really want to take english courses, as much time as I will need.

Does God will be with me on this path? I hope so...

Wait & see...


Thursday, June 18, 2009

I realize that I have real friends...

These last weeks was not really good for me...
I was feeling alone, sad, all the days were the same, nothing to do... etc...

But, one evening, a friend came talk to me on MSN, said me "hi , how are you?" , I said "not verry well", she told me what happens, I told her everything. And, she had the good idea to said me to come in Paris with her and others friends, I thought that it was an excellent idea! She guessed that I need some changes... So I'll going to Paris in July, 22-23-24.

Maybe for you it's nothing, but for me, it means a lot!

For me, it just means that simple friends says "oh i'm sorry, get well soon", but real friends says "Come here, we will enjoy ourselves, and you will no longer be sad."

It's ok, I have REAL friends!!! And I love them so much!!!

Life is nothing without friends and their love for you! Keep them close to you.

;-) <3


Monday, June 1, 2009

The Best Trailer Ever!!!!!!!!!!

Je ne pouvais pas ne pas le mettre...
le trailer de Twilight New Moon en HD (en anglais pour l'instant)

En un mot... AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! :p


Monday, May 25, 2009

Your best friends know you more than simple friends.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ hαve never seen you cry.
α BEST FRiEND ─ hαs shoulders soggy from your tears.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ doesn`t know your pαrent`s first nαmes.
α BEST FRiEND ─ hαs their phones numbers in their αddress book.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ brings a bottle of wine to your party.
α BEST FRiEND ─ comes eαrly to help you cook & leαves lαte to help you cleαn.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ hates it when you cαll her αfter she goes to bed.
α BEST FRiEND ─ αsks why you took so long to cαll.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ tαlks to you αbout your problems.
α BEST FRiEND ─ helps you with your problems.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ when visiting, αcts like a guest.
α BEST FRiEND ─ opens your fridge and helps herself.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ thinks the friendship is over when you αrgue.
α BEST FRiEND ─ knows it's not α friendship until αfter you' ve hαd α fight.

α SiMPLE FRiEND ─ expects you to αlwαys be there for them.
α BEST FRiEND ─ expects to αlwαys be there for you

Monday, April 27, 2009

a big love story...

...between Photoshop and myself :p
You know me... so you know that i'm in love with Photoshop :-)
I really love to create!
And yesterday, I created 3 posters from "Twilight New Moon" movie...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New Moon...

Je viens d'apprendre que le deuxième volet de la saga Twilight "Tentation" (New Moon), sera au cinéma le 18 NOVEMBRE 2009, soit 2 jours avant les US!!

Apparement nous seront les premiers à avoir le film au cinéma... suivant ces informations :

"New Moon will be released on November 18, 2009 in France.

New Moon will be released on November 19, 2009 in Australia.

New Moon will be released on November 19, 2009 in New Zealand.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in the USA.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Canada.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Sweden.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Brazil.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Finland.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Italy.

New Moon will be released on November 20, 2009 in Norway.

New Moon will be released on November 27, 2009 in the UK.

New Moon will be released on January 7, 2010 in Germany."

Les pauvres, en Allemagne devront attendre début 2010! pas cool!